It's relatively clear where the preponderance of the State Delegation representing Prince William County stand with regard to the Bi-County Parkway, particularly as has been evidenced by the attendance and statements at several meetings held locally and in Richmond. What is not so clear is where the Loudoun delegation stands and given their votes on the Transportation Bill last session, I would suggest they may not be opposed to the Bi-County Parkway. That being said, one has to wonder whether they will attend Thursday night's VDOT presentation at Creighton's Corner Elementary School and let their positions be known. Should they chose to attend perhaps one of the more hardy souls in the crowd should ask them about the campaign contributions they have reported in 2013 alone and how those contributions relate to their votes in favor of the Transportation Bill and whether or not those contributions will "influence" their position with regard to the Bi-County Parkway. Here's some select data to look at.Joe May Campaign Contributions 2013$15,000 Majority Leader PAC $10,000 Commonwealth Transportation PAC $7,500 Nova Technology Council $5,000 Howell for Delegate - William $5,000 Va Transportation Construction Alliance $2,500 John T "Til" Hazel, Jr $2,000 Transurban USA Inc $1,250 Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce $1,250 Nova Building Industry Assn $1,000 Associated Builders & Contractors - Va Chapter $1,000 Associated General Contractors $1,000 Dewberry & Davis $1,000 Northern Virginia Assn of Realtors $1,000 Old Dominion Highway Contractors Assn $1,000 Parsons Brinckerhoff $1,000 Toll Road Investors Partnership II $1,000 Va Assn of Realtors $1,000 Va Trucking Assn Total $58,500Tom Rust Campaign Contributions 2013$10,000 Sidney O Dewberry $10,000 John T "Til" Hazel, Jr $5,000 Eleanor C Hazel $5,000 Majority Leader PAC $5,000 Nova Technology Council Herndon$2,000 Northern Virginia Assn of Realtors $2,000 Nova Building Industry Assn $1,000 Home Builders Assn of Va $1,000 MC Dean Building Intelligence Inc $1,000 Gary D Rappaport $1,000 Va Assn of Realtors Total $43,000Tag Greason Campaign Contributions 2013$10,000 Commonwealth Transportation PAC $4,472 Va Assn of Realtors $2,500 Majority Leader PAC $2,500 Nova Technology Council $2,300 Northern Virginia Assn of Realtors $2,000 Toll Road Investors Partnership II Total $23,772
Anybody Want To Ask A Question Thursday Night Images
... up a discussion or debate entry on thursday nights and recruit a few
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