Without going into great detail about my telephone conversation with the gal at Lowe's in the wallpaper department, let me give you a little personal advice.If you call asking if they carry a particular item in stock, you may want to skip the phone call and take a mosey over and have a lookie-loo for yourself.What they tell you they don't have in stock, they more than likely do. (This has happened to me on more than one occasion.)That being said... YaY! I got my beadboard wallpaper with the added bonus of some aggravation. Does it get any better than that?? I think not. So I went ahead and primed the doors. Many of you know how difficult it is to prime over red. I did three coats of Kilz and that did the trick.

It's still hotter than blazes and even more humid. But a "cold front" is supposed to blow through on Saturday. So hopefully it will cool down to a brisk 82 degrees and I can get crackin'.((giggle))Have a terrific weekend, everyone!!:> )
Look what I got! Images
My Ex, look What I got - Image Page
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Look at what I got in the mail :D by *EpicTwizzy on deviantART
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Thread: Oh my. Look what I got myself into.
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(700 x 501 - 90.12 KB - jpeg)
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