It's Tuesday, May 7th 2013. The Jodi Arias jury will begin their second full day of deliberations this morning after a 5 month journey through the lives of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander - sadly, much of this trial has been about Jodi Arias the victim and Travis Alexander has been portrayed as the perpetrator. The defense went for broke on this case, taking every opportunity to trash the man who was savagely murdered and taken from his family and friends far too soon.Throughout the trial, self-defense has been the theme. "Jodi had to kill Travis". She had to? Really? For all of the reasonable people out there watching this trial, can you count all of the opportunities Arias had to escape if she were really in danger that fatal evening of June 4, 2008? She had ample time and opportunities to leave that house. Would a naked and wet man really chase her outside into his own neighborhood? Were there no working telephones in that house, how long does it take to just DIAL 911 - even if you don't speak a word to the dispatcher, the call is quickly traced and there would've been police there within minutes. She had to kill him, is that really what you want the jury to believe? Good luck with that.After hearing for months about the abuse and battery Jodi Arias suffered, and how she had to defend herself or she would've been the murder victim - now Kirk Nurmi wants the jury to consider a new theory. In the heat of the moment, Jodi just snapped. Something happened, something made her snap. Again, it's not her fault! She was provoked, right? Juan Martinez was right on the money when he began his closing argument with the "it's not her fault" rants. At the time, I thought it was a bit dramatic and overly sarcastic, but having time to reflect on his entire closing arguments I've changed my opinion - it was brilliant. Nothing is ever Jodi Arias' fault. What little blame she does choose to accept are simply small concessions, the sole purpose of which is to make her seem more believable. She has to admit to some not-so-nice things doesn't she? She believes that will boost her failing credibility in the eyes of the jury.Will today be the day that justice cries out for Travis Alexander? Will this be the day that Jodi Arias' lies come back to haunt her? Will today be the day she eats the most bitter words she ever has spoken "no jury will ever convict me, and you can mark my words on that"? As we eagerly wait for her fate to be sealed, may the justice be swift and the penalty severe - and may the countless friends and family of Travis Alexander finally have peace and an end to this tragedy. In life, Travis Alexander touched and inspired the people around him. In death, he continues to touch and inspire the lives of total strangers like you and I. Long after the news dies down and Jodi Arias is forgotten, Travis Alexander's legacy and memory will live on. NancyB posted a link to a handwritten letter from Jodi Arias to the Judge (not Judge Stephens) about her need to retain Kirk Nurmi as her attorney. Very interesting read! I thought I'd post the link here, in case you can't find it in NancyB's comments. It's a 5 page hand written letter:(Posted by NancyB)This is very interesting - 2011 hand-written letter from Arias to Judge Duncan, concerning the ‘precarious circumstances of her legal defense’…especially the letter from Sandy Arias. The hand-written letter from JA, to Judge Duncan is also revealing. To read the letter from Mrs. Arias you’ll need to go to the Bottom of Page 5. Below the TwitterDoc box on the RIGHT side click NEXT. onHave a beautiful day!PS - I sent Dr. DeMarte an e-mail after she testified in this case, thanking her for showing such professionalism and courage in providing what appeared to be the most accurate diagnosis of Jodi Arias of any of the experts. I wasn't expecting any type of response, but she actually did. It's brief, but I thought I'd share it with you all. Thank you again, Dr. DeMarte!!jdemarte@sentiencepsych.comApr 21

to me

Hello, Your email was very thoughtful. I appreciate your kind words and support.Janeen DeMarte, PhDSentience Psychological Services, PLLC300 W. Clarendon, Suite 215Phoenix, AZ 85013
Will Today Be The Day Travis Alexander Receives Justice? Images
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Travis Alexander All Crime Scene Photos | Download Android APK SD Data ...
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Travis Alexander Case - DISCUSS IT HERE! | Page 1648 | GoreGrish
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